26 July 2013
Happy weekend
This is the point in the summer at which I need to kick it into high gear for two reasons. #1- Summer is half way over and there is much more fun to be had. And #2 - I am the girls camp director for a young women's group in my church, and we are departing for a week-long stint in the wilderness next week that I am not fully prepared for. So. This weekend will hereby be know as finishing-up-all-the-loose-ends-and-making-camp-fantastic palooza!
Obviously #2 is definitely trumping this weekend as far as time-spent is going to go. Tomorrow will find me elbow deep in costco shopping carts and cracking eggs into plastic bags and shoving them into the freezer. But before camp prep begins, tonight Ty and I are going take in a quick movie; the typical "movie and dinner"date is one of my favorites, I'm not gonna lie.
I'm looking forward to next Saturday when, in the post whirlwind of camp, Ty, Hank and I head up to Rockport State Park like this girl for a little R&R and swimming; I'm a sucker for swimming places that allow dogs. But in the mean time, I'm crossing my fingers for no rain, lots of singing, and hopefully getting a hair wrap at camp. Happy weekend, everyone! Here are a few links to start it all off.
Cliff diving made even better.
This aerial of Manhattan is fantastic.
1,904 ft. fall from Lake Quill in NZ.
This dress tutorial makes me want to give sewing a try.
How to build a layer cake.
Stunning photo composition.
Trying out this beauty product this week.
You are going to TOTALLY rock Girl's Camp! I can't think of a cooler camp leader :)