28 March 2014

Aerials of Botswana

Hey friends! I've been a bit under the weather lately (hello flu and 100.5 fever!), so I don't have a full post for today, but these aerial photos of Botswana (that's only a little smidgen up there), were just too pretty not to share. I've always been afraid to visit Africa, but as of late that fear has been slowly waining and has started to be replaced with curiosity. I think these photos may just be what puts me over the edge. Enjoy!

And happy Friday! I hope you all have something great planned. In an effort to mend this bod of mine I will do a lot of tea drinking and laying around doing things like napping and feeling sad my throat feels so terrible. But. Here's to a happy two-day recovery for me. And a fantastic next 48 hours for you. xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Thinking of you and love these shots too. Africa always brings back memories of my families life there when I was a child (for 3 years).
