29 September 2014

The baby room + weekend recap

I officially passed the 38-week mark yesterday, which means a little less than two weeks until I'm full term with this little babe. Things have slowed down considerably around the Clark house the last few weeks as projects have wound down and I have started resting lots more. Read as: SO NICE. Although I still secretly want to paint the master bathroom in the next 7 days. We will see.

Ty and I did get a chance to venture up to Sundance this weekend though to hit up the annual Harvest Market. Due to inclement weather, the market was moved indoors to the same venue that we had our reception in. It was the first time we had gone back to the Reception Hall together since then, and it was fun to stroll around hand in hand, just a little shy of 3 years later. The rain and moodiness Saturday honestly made for the perfect fall afternoon in the mountains. And for some nice light in the nursery when we got home, so I snapped a few images to share.

So now all there is to do is enjoy these last couple weeks of freedom and relatively abundant sleep before our lives change forever with the debut of this little babe. I've had a total of THREE whole contractions this last week (hah) and every time I get slightly panicked with the thought of having to actually birth this baby. I keep hoping he will just kind of slide out without me noticing. Totally realistic, right? 


  1. Totally cute room. Just needs grandma to finish the crochet blanket.. Take care of yourself until Everett comes.. Love Monica

  2. Love it! A couch is definitely the way to go for night time feeding. Good choice. That rug is just gorgeous!

    Another friend of mine *was* due at the same time. She just had her baby yesterday! Good luck, I hope you have a wonderful birth experience.
