{ Crafty sibling trade }

My family is crafty; meaning, we make a lot of stuff. But not lame stuff...cool stuff. We even had a "homemade-gifts-only" Christmas one year. I think we get it from our parents.

So, when I saw these bags made from the remnants of sail fabric on ellavickers.com, I knew a family trade was in order (seeing as the MUCH TOO EXPENSIVE price tag of $488 for the set makes purchasing these bags utterly ridiculous). My brother makes, repairs and rigs sails for sailboats out of Seattle, so I crafted an e-mail two mornings ago soliciting the trade.

"Dear brother,

I will love you forever if you make me one of these bags out of your sail-fabric scraps, and I will even make you something cool in return. What do you think?"

It was a success (thanks, Andy). Sometime in the next month or so, I should be the owner of my very own, very greatly shaped, very durable duffle made from sail fabric. Now I just need to think of something cool to make him in return. I was thinking a very colorful, very cool shower curtain, or something else that is great, but I'd love some input if anyone knows of anything cool and home-makeable.


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